Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Still here

Aggravated with my body lately. I'm slowly getting back into the healthy habits of cardio and weight-lifting. We were going to go to dance tonight, but hubby had a rough day at the doctor getting nerve induction done. Figured he would need the day off. This weekend we are going to The Stanley Hotel for The Shining Ball. Should be fun!


Kate said...

Sounds like a load of fun!

Diana said...

Glad to see you back!
Geesh. You're family coveres the gammot, huh?

OH, I hope you have an excellent time at the ball! How fun :)

Diana said...

gamut :)

Sarah said...

I just know there is something blocking your progress...has your chiropractor done food allergy tests on you yet??
Don't give up!! I'm praying you will find the answers you need. I'm still praying I will make exercise a priority...I'm making some progress but not enough...I'll do good for a week or two and then, nothing...I know I'm moving way more than I used to but I want real exercise!!
Can't wait to see you in December!!