Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Checkin' in - 183.0

And.......I'm back to where I started out the first week of February. :-P At least I didn't gain. Had a good massage on Thursday and a wonderful chiro adjustment yesterday. Will be getting another massage this Friday. It's been a week since my last migraine.


Pining for Pinterest said...

That is great news to be migraine free :)

Kelly the Happy Texan said...

So glad to hear that you haven't had a migraine in a while. Those are terrible.

Melissa said...

Migraines are the pits! I have suffered from the since a young age and sadly, I have two kids who suffer from them as well. They are both on a daily therapy med to ward them off..so far, its helping to minimize the frequency.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting today and you are so right..its not how many..its a matter of not giving up. Have a super week!