Thursday, June 5, 2008

Get your beauty sleep!

From Denise Austin's email today:

Get Your Beauty Sleep!
If you have kids, you know all too well that if you disrupt their sleep routine, you'll pay for it the next day. But don't forget that a lack of sleep takes its toll on adults too. Not only is lack of sleep likely to make you irritable, sluggish, and less productive the next day, it can also have a negative impact on your health in the long term. If you don't spend enough time in the deep phase of sleep, your body doesn't get a chance to replenish cells and restore energy. Some research has even connected a lack of sleep to weight gain.

So to feel and look your best, it's crucial to make time for sleep. Get into the healthy habit of waking up and going to bed at the same time every day — that's right, on weekends too! Maintaining a regular sleep schedule will help you reap all the benefits of a good night's sleep. If you get enough sleep each night, you'll not only feel well-rested, you'll look fresh-faced and feel ready to conquer the day. Remember, bedtime isn't just for kids!


Diana said...

Right :) We need to take care of ourselves all around to be's easy to forget about this one.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely true. I have been dealing with lack of sleep & I can really feel the effects. Thanks for posting this!